I’raab course

Sidra Institute
Last Update September 1, 2024
5.0 /5
8 already enrolled

About This Course

Course Tutor

Ustadh Abbas Afzal has 15+ years experience of teaching Arabic to various age groups. He completed the memorisation of the Qur’an at the age of 15 by his teacher Mawlana Bashir Salloo at Madinatul Uloom Kidderminster. He did five years of the ‘Alimiyyah programme at Madinatul Uloom (Kidderminster) and was privileged to be taught by many esteem and supportive teachers and scholars, such as Mawlana Ahmed, Mawlana Yusuf Lorgat, Mawlana Azad and many more (May Allah protect them). He then went onto complete his studies and graduate from the Islamic sciences at Darul Ulum (Bury) in 2005 where he was honoured to study under very prominent scholars and mentors, like Hadhrat Mawlana Yusuf Motara saheb, Hadhrat Mawlana Abdur Raheem saheb, Hadhrat Mawlana Bilal Bawa saheb, Mufti Shabbir saheb, Sufi Taher saheb and many more. He then taught various subjects of the Alimiyyah programme at Madinatul uloom (Kidderminster) for over a decade. He was privileged to teach the science of Arabic rhetoric, this is when he prepared material and handouts for his students which eventually led to compiling a distinct comprehensive 700 page manual of Arabic rhetoric in the English medium as well as an Arabic language course.

  • Understand the concept and mechanism of I’raab through one simple story about Zaid.
  • ability to determine the diacritical markings of Arabic words when used in any sentence.
  • eliminate misunderstandings such as فاعل always renders a dhammah, مفعول به renders a Fathah and مضاف إليه renders a kasrah.
  • instill confidence in reading Arabic text with correct vowel makings.
  • ability to comprehend the application of correct diacritical markings through the lens of grammar without hesitation and conjecture.
  • his course is for students who have studied syntax and morphology and want to understand what is i’raab and how it is best applied.
  • Beneficial for students of knowledge
  • Open to brothers and sisters
  • There are no exams. However, lessons are PowerPointed and include summaries. Annotated examples are provided to further support one’s learning.

Starts on September 23rd March 2024

At a glance:
  • 8+ live online lessons
  • Duration: 12 weeks (approx)
  • Timings: Saturday 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (London, UK)
  • Video recording available
  • Tutor support via Telegram channel
  • Certificate
Course fee:
  • £69:99 (one full payment)
  • Early bird offer: £59:99
Registration Deadline 19nd April 2024


Learning Objectives

A study of a unique method of understanding Arabic I'raab (declension), featuring a 5-step approach in determining the diacritical markings of any given word in any Arabic sentence. Key contents of the course includes the study of following:
• indeclinable words (المبنيات)
• declinable words (المعربات)
• grammatical states/moods (رفع، نصب، جر، جزم)
• causes of declension (وجه الإعراب)
• diacritical markings (علامات الإعراب)
• declension of the declinable nouns (إعراب الأسماء المتمكنة)
• declension of the imperfect tense verb (إعراب الفعل المضارع)
• Application of i'raab on the last chapters of the Holy Qur'an
NB: You will not be learning grammatical concepts surrounding i'raab at random and in isolation, rather every aspect of the study, In shā' Allāh will piece together like a puzzle.

Material Includes

  • Bonus: Access will be given to an e-book about i'raab (authored by the instructor) to all students who are enrolled into the course.


  • Ability to read basic Arabic
  • PC or laptop with Internet connection
  • Access to a microphone to interact during lessons


23 Lessons

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eBook (You must use Google chrome browser to read this book.)

I’rāb Course Recorded Live lessons

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All Levels
23 lectures

Material Includes

  • Bonus: Access will be given to an e-book about i'raab (authored by the instructor) to all students who are enrolled into the course.
Enrollment validity: 175 days